Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011

Don Giovanni - Baden Baden, 24.07.2011

Kaum hatte ich zu hoffen gewagt, dass diese konzertante Aufführung meiner Lieblingsoper das einlösen würden, was die Namen versprachen.
Lesen Sie den ganzen Bericht im Opernnetz

1 Kommentar:

  1. Dear Wotan,
    I have just found your blog (after readind edda's)and I will follow it because it look very interesting to me.
    We also have a blog (Opera Fanatics) that you might find interesting (written in portuguese and in english) and I invite you to visit it and to follow it if you think it interests you:

    As per your text and the one of Edda's, I imagine this was a fantastic performance. I regret I could not have been present.
    Grüsse aus Portugal
